Saturday, September 28, 2019

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common problems related to pinched nerves. But although this condition is chronic, it can be treated with safe, non-invasive means at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the carpal tunnel works and why holistic treatments are effective.

The median nerve emerges from the cervical spine (the neck) and travels through the shoulder and into the hand. It provides sensation and control to every finger except the pinky. In the wrist, it passes through a canal made of bones and ligaments called the carpal tunnel. When the carpal tunnel is compressed, pressure on the median nerve can cause shooting pains, tingling, and numbness between the neck and the fingers.

Inflammation in the tissues surrounding the carpal tunnel can have several causes, but it usually is due to overuse. CTS is most common in people with office jobs, handymen, and tennis players. We can use electric muscle stimulation to relieve pain and inflammation along the upper limbs. Other treatments include therapeutic exercise and massages to release muscles in the arm and hand. We’ll also ensure that there are no blockages at the median nerve’s point of emergence from the spine or in the shoulder.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatica is a term for describing pain along the sciatic nerves, and it can have many causes. Among those is piriformis syndrome, a condition affecting one of the deeper muscles of the pelvis. Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield is dedicated to providing patients with safe, holistic solutions to biomechanical nerve compression such as sciatica, and we want our patients to know why piriformis syndrome is something worth getting examined for.

The piriformis muscle connects the sacrum, which is the base of the spine, to the upper femur. It is used to rotate the leg outward and is vulnerable to overuse injuries when a person runs on hard surfaces. Swelling in the piriformis muscle can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, which, depending on the person, might run under the piriformis muscle, directly through it, or around it on both sides. When a person’s sciatic nerve is compressed, they may feel a shooting pain, tingling, or numbness down their leg and have difficulty moving it. People with piriformis syndrome may feel symptoms while seated or walking on stairs, and may also feel pressure in the buttock on the side of the affected muscle.

Piriformis Syndrome is not one of the more common causes of sciatica, but there are tests for identifying it. Among our treatments for muscle fatigue are soft tissue manipulation, electric muscle stimulation, and therapeutic ultrasound. These, along with therapeutic exercise, can strengthen the gluteal muscles while also increasing their flexibility, and reduce inflammation.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Introduction to Scoliosis

One of the most infamous kinds of spinal misalignments is scoliosis. This term describes a sideways curve in the spine, usually in the upper back. Although most people know of scoliosis primarily from its most extreme cases, it’s not that rare. With the noninvasive treatments at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, we can help patients to manage whatever discomfort they may experience and get realigned.

Sometimes, scoliosis can be traced to a deformity outside the spine, such as muscle damage or one leg being shorter than the other. Degenerative conditions in elderly people can lead to breakdowns in the spinal column. But usually, scoliosis is seen in teenagers experiencing a growth spurt and no cause can be definitively established. Although it can happen to boys and girls, it tends to get worse in girls without intervention. Having the shoulders and hips out of alignment puts stress on the back’s soft tissues, which can cause them to become sore, but the patient often doesn’t feel anything during the condition’s early development.

One of the reasons pediatricians want children to have annual check-ups is so they can look for signs of developing scoliosis. Bracing is sometimes recommended as a preventive or corrective measure. We can provide safe pain management solutions, including spinal adjustments, therapeutic massages, and electric muscle stimulation. We can also help patients to manage other conditions resulting from scoliosis, such as neck or hip pain.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.


Ergonomics at a Home Office

A few months ago, we advised our patients on how to keep their backs comfortable while in the office. Since then, a lot more people have bee...