Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hip Labral Tears

Do you feel pain in one of your hips when you’ve been standing, sitting, or moving for a long time? Does it feel stiff or like it gets caught? If so, there may be a problem with the joint’s cartilage. At Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, we’re more than just a clinic for back pain. Our experts in musculoskeletal health use non-addictive, non-invasive treatments for all sorts of joint problems. This week, we’re discussing a type of hip injury known as a labral tear.

A labrum is a seal of cartilage that locks the ball of the femoral head into the socket of the pelvis. (There’s one connecting the arm to the shoulder, too.) The labrum also provides cushioning, and if it tears, a person is at risk for developing arthritis or a bone spur in the future. Although the labrum can be damaged by an acute injury, it can also wear down due to repetitive motions, particularly in people who had an abnormal ball and socket connection to begin with. People who play sports that stress the hip muscles, such as soccer and hockey, are at greater risk for developing hip labral tears.

Hip labrum tears don’t always have symptoms, but they may be accompanied by other injuries. An x-ray will help us to determine if there’s something wrong with the bones of the joint that would require a chiropractic adjustment. Otherwise, patients will likely be prescribed physical therapy to improve their hip’s range of motion and stretch out their muscles. We can also use electric muscle stimulation and therapeutic massages to reduce inflammation and shorten workout recovery time.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Causes of a Stiff Back

Lower back pain is one of the most common health ailments. It has several causes, and most people are at risk for at least a few of them. However, the most common causes of back stiffness can be treated with minimal invasiveness and without the use of dangerous medications. At Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, we’re dedicated to providing holistic treatments and lifestyle counseling that will prevent the return of back stiffness, so let’s take a closer look at how it can be prevented.

Usually, lower back stiffness can be traced to overuse of some muscles, putting excessive pressure on the structures of the spine. But the muscles in question aren’t always in the back. When the hamstrings or hip flexors are tight, they’ll pull on the lower spine, putting it out of alignment with the pelvis and potentially triggering inflammation. The same can occur with the ligaments in that area. Certain positions also make inefficient use of the lower back’s muscle and ligament support, such as when a person sits hunched forward or slouching backwards. If a person isn’t warming up before exercising, they’re especially likely to strain their supporting muscles through acute injuries or long term wear. Prolonged inflammation and excess pressure could wear down the cartilage cushioning the joints between their vertebrae, leading to more stiffness.

Chiropractic adjustments can realign joints, reducing the pressure on nearby tissues and preventing erosion of cartilage. But to remain healthy, a patient will need to engage in core strengthening and flexibility exercises. Core strengthening will provide the lower back with more support, and flexibility training will lengthen the hip muscles so they don’t pull as much on the spine. Maintaining better posture will also help to prevent tightness in the lower back as well as the neck.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Golf Injuries

If you’re looking for a way to exercise while physically distancing, golf isn’t a bad option. Besides allowing you to stretch your limbs, it exposes you to plenty of sunlight, which will allow you to build stronger bones. But golf can take a toll on your back if you’re not careful, and at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, we’ve seen a lot of golfers suffer from lower back pain. Although we provide holistic, non-addictive treatments to enable a speedy recovery, we want our patients to know how to prevent wear and tear to their musculoskeletal system.

Swinging a golf club subjects the torso and hips to strong forces. The spine is rotating quickly on a tilt, and the lumbar region, or lower back, doesn’t have as much internal stability as other parts of the spinal column. Ideally, the hips and shoulders should be rotating with the spine to create a fluid motion, but if not, the muscles and ligaments attaching to it may be strained. In worse cases, a spinal disc may rupture, or a fracture in the facet joints may allow a vertebra to become unstable. Disc injuries tend to occur more in older athletes, while facet joint injuries tend to happen more often to younger people.

Anytime a person exercises, it’s important to warm up first by doing dynamic stretches. It’s a good idea for new golfers to seek professional training, but one basic pointer is that they should bend with their hips and knees instead of their lower backs. If a golfer suffers an injury that is still causing problems after a day of rest and icing, we can provide a diagnostic and determine whether they would benefit from treatments including chiropractic adjustments, electric muscle stimulation, therapeutic massages, and ultrasound. We’ll also recommend therapeutic exercises that will improve core strength and the flexibility of the hips and shoulders.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.


Ergonomics at a Home Office

A few months ago, we advised our patients on how to keep their backs comfortable while in the office. Since then, a lot more people have bee...