Lower back pain is one of the most common afflictions in the United States, and it has several potential causes. Among the lesser known ones is sacroiliac joint dysfunction. When patients are suffering from joint problems, Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield provides safe treatments that target the source of a problem, as well as its symptoms, so we wanted to talk a bit about what makes sacroiliac joint dysfunction distinct.
The sacrum is a body of fused vertebrae at the base of the spine. The iliac bones are the crests of the pelvis it connects to. Dysfunction in these joints may cause inflammation, called sacroiliitis. Pain here can radiate through the lower back, pelvic region, and legs and tends to be worse after a prolonged period of standing or using the gluteal muscles. Although sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be caused by an infection, it is much likelier to be due to a degenerative condition or a traumatic injury that has damaged the structure of the joint.
Our treatments for sacroiliac joint dysfunction include manual adjustments of the bones and soft tissue manipulation for loosening muscles, such as electrical stimulation and massages. We can also prescribe therapeutic exercises that will strengthen the pelvic muscles and keep them flexible during recovery, allowing them to better support the sacrum in the future. Our office’s nutritional counseling service educates patients on what nutrients they need to keep their joints cushioned and lubricated and how they can control their weight to prevent their pelvic joints from being overburdened.
Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.
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