Although it is to our long-term benefit to exercise regularly, lower back pain is a common problem among runners. Many athletes, professionals as well as amateurs, experience soreness in their lower backs and hips immediately after work-outs. Over time, they may be at risk for wearing down their muscles, spinal discs, or cartilage. At Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, we want to ensure all our patients are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is why we wanted to discuss preventive care for runners.
We have several deep muscles in our core and hips that help to stabilize our spines. When they’re strong, they restrict torque and lateral sway, and put more force into our strides. But our core muscles aren’t just the ones we see from the outside. The deep muscles linking our lower spines, pelvis, and femurs can easily become tight if we’re sitting all day, and the condition of our surface abdominal muscle doesn’t necessarily reflect the strength of the ones beneath it.
If you experience radiating pain, you should come to our office to be treated for a pinched nerve. But if you are trying to reduce post-workout aches, you may want to try more hip stretches and core strengthening. Bridges, side-lying leg raises, and side planks are exercises that target the hip muscles connecting to the lower back. You should also try to make sure you’re getting in a twenty minute walk each day, if you work in an office setting, and making sure you warm up and cool down adequately during each work-out. If you’re unsure whether exercising is safe for you, we can help you devise a personalized work-out plan.
Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.
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