Thursday, March 12, 2020

Upper Back Pain

With all the attention neck and lower back pain get, it’s easy for upper back pain to be neglected. But although this condition is less common than pain elsewhere in the spinal column, it still affects large numbers of people. We’re dedicated to providing non-invasive, non-addictive pain relief at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, so we want people to understand more about the causes of upper back pain and why chiropractic care is often the best approach.

Thoracic vertebrae are a bit better protected than those above and below them. There are twelve vertebrae in the thoracic region, and their mobility is limited by additional joints that connect to the ribs. Nonetheless, people can develop herniated discs, arthritis, or muscle irritation as a result of bad posture or nutrition. The upper back may also be damaged by traumatic injuries such as those sustained in a car crash. Women and older men are likelier to develop upper back pain, as are people whose jobs require them to lift things above their heads or sit for long periods.

Chiropractic adjustments can relieve stress on herniated discs and the surrounding soft tissues. We also offer massage therapy to soothe irritated muscles and reduce inflammation. Preventing a relapse of upper back pain will likely require a patient to engage in therapeutic exercises that will strengthen their back muscles, relieving pressure from the spinal column. We will also teach patients better posture to practice at the office or wherever they work, which will slow the progress of degenerative conditions and allow their joints and muscles to heal naturally.

Kosak Chiropractic is located at 1252 Travis Blvd., Suite G, Fairfield, CA, 94533. To schedule an appointment, visit Kosak Chiropractic online or call 707-426-1111.


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